‍Enhancing AAA Auto’s Social Media Reputation with SentiSquare AI

“At AAA AUTO, we have customers that debate with passion. In order to provide the best feeling on our social networks, we need to keep the discussions decent. The SentiSquare solution allows us to do that.”

What they say about us

“At AAA AUTO, we have customers that debate with passion. In order to provide the best feeling on our social networks, we need to keep the discussions decent. The SentiSquare solution allows us to do that.”

Jitka Míková
Communications Officer @ AAA Auto


AAA Auto, a renowned automotive company, faced a significant challenge in managing the reputation and engagement on their social media accounts. With thousands of comments pouring in each month, it became crucial to monitor and ensure compliance with community rules while engaging in real-time discussions. The company needed an efficient solution to automatically detect and handle posts that violated community rules, all while maintaining a positive online image.


To tackle the challenge head-on, AAA Auto decided to leverage the capabilities of SentiSquare AI, a powerful artificial intelligence solution specialized in natural language processing and sentiment analysis. The implementation involved integrating SentiSquare AI via API into AAA Auto’s social media accounts (Facebook, TikTok), enabling real-time analysis and control over posts.

The deployment of SentiSquare AI brought several essential features to AAA Auto’s social media management:

  • Automatic Rule Violation Detection: SentiSquare AI scanned all incoming comments on AAA Auto’s Facebook page and automatically flagged posts that violated community rules. This ensured swift identification and the handling of potentially harmful or inappropriate content, safeguarding the company’s reputation.
  • Real-time Overview and Control: AAA Auto’s social media team gained access to an intuitive dashboard providing a comprehensive overview of flagged posts. This dashboard allowed them to decide whether to hide certain posts, ensuring that only appropriate content was visible to the public.
  • Multilingual Support: SentiSquare AI excels in multilingual analysis, making it ideal for AAA Auto’s operations across different regions. The AI model effectively processed comments in Czech, Slovak, and Hungarian, ensuring consistent monitoring and engagement in all three languages.

Collaboration results

The deployment of SentiSquare AI delivered impactful results for AAA Auto:

  • Enhanced Reputation Management: By automatically detecting posts that violated community rules, AAA Auto was able to protect its online reputation and maintain a positive image among its social media followers.
  • Proactive Engagement: With SentiSquare AI’s real-time analysis, AAA Auto’s social media team could engage in discussions promptly, responding to comments and inquiries in a timely manner. This proactive approach bolstered customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Efficient Resource Allocation: Automating the post monitoring process with SentiSquare AI saved significant time and resources for AAA Auto’s social media team. They could now focus on strategic initiatives and delivering a more personalized customer experience.

By deploying SentiSquare AI for social media management, AAA Auto successfully addressed the challenge of handling thousands of comments on their social media. The AI-powered solution provided automatic detection of rule violations, real-time overview, and multilingual support, empowering AAA Auto to maintain a positive reputation and engage with its audience effectively. As a result, AAA Auto solidified its position as a customer-centric brand, building strong relationships with its online community and fostering brand loyalty across different languages and regions.

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